Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?

I am a huge fan of Peter White,Kirk Whalum,Dave Koz,Warren Hill,etc.I have never understood why this flavor of music gets no respect.Not only is it musically appealing,but in most cases its very well recorded.Any comparisons to old jazz(Miles Davis etc.) are ludicrous.Its like comparing apples and oranges.Can anyone shed some light on this?Any contemporary(smooth)Jazz out there?I would love to hear from you. Thanks John
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I'd like to go slightly off topic for a moment if I may. I picked up a movie the other night on DVD called *For love of country* The Arturo Sandoval story. I would think all jazz music lovers will enjoy this movie. Andy Garcia does a bang up job playing the part of Arturo. Check it out at your local Blockbusters the music is fantastic!
What Sdcampbell and others have said about smooth jazz is what I was saying about classical Pops concerts. While it may be played by a symphony orchestra in a symphony concert venue, it is not classical music. The name sais it all, it is pop music. Same here. To the traditional jazz listener, it may be called smooth jazz, but is isn't jazz. There is no improvisation to speak of. This does not make it bad music; its success is proof enough that is is good music to those who like it.
Chelillingworth-First of all I don't think anyone considers Mariah Carey or Celine Dion smooth Jazz artists.The radio stations that play "smooth jazz" mix in light pop for a bigger audience.Thats not our fault.Second,in my area(northeastern Ohio)there is one smooth jazz station.They don't play Miles Davis,Coltrane etc.If there was a demand to hear it you can bet they would play it.You can't find classic Jazz anywhere on the dial.The reason,because there is no demand.To label all smooth jazz as uninvolving,shallow and lacking emotional depth pretty much shows us that your a close minded idiot.Face the facts,smooth jazz has alot more fans,sells alot more CD's,packs alot more concert halls,and is on alot more radio dials than that old,winey,tired,and stale crap you listen too.Send me your address,I'll burn you a CD that will knock your socks off,and make you a believer. JM
Discovering ( from this post ) that Pat Metheny is smooth jazz, I heartily join the smooth jazz group.

Are Oregon, Steve Tibbets, and other artists on ECM also considered smooth Jazz? If so, I have a large library of this style music.
Oh and by the way, I like the old stale crap that Chelillingworth likes, provided we are talking about JJ Johnson, Red Garland, Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson and Billie Holliday.