Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?

I am a huge fan of Peter White,Kirk Whalum,Dave Koz,Warren Hill,etc.I have never understood why this flavor of music gets no respect.Not only is it musically appealing,but in most cases its very well recorded.Any comparisons to old jazz(Miles Davis etc.) are ludicrous.Its like comparing apples and oranges.Can anyone shed some light on this?Any contemporary(smooth)Jazz out there?I would love to hear from you. Thanks John
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
Oh and by the way, I like the old stale crap that Chelillingworth likes, provided we are talking about JJ Johnson, Red Garland, Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson and Billie Holliday.
A lot of the practitioners of so called "smooth jazz" rely heavily on a narrow range of cliches and are making sure that the Pat Boone/Michael Bolton syndrome stays alive in contemporary instrumental music. Fluff peddlers who have taken the easy path and succumbed to a movie sequal mentality are not the only musicians who have had a hard time earning respect. If Kenny G, Spyro Gyra and the Yellowjackets spin your propeller that's great, but there's a huge amount of non threatening stuff with a much lower velveeta content that you'd probably like way more.
Krelldog: your points are well taken, but let me elaborate on my previous comments. First, I think serious jazz buffs lack an enjoyment of "smooth jazz", rather than disrespecting the music as such. I do think that most long-term "serious" jazz listeners would disagree with your opinion that the top "smooth jazz" artists are among the "most talented musicians in the world". This may sound like hair-splitting, but I would posit that "smooth jazz" artists are highly competent instrumentalists rather than talented as jazz musicians. Most of the music played by "smooth jazz" artists tends to be quite formulaic, and lacking many of the fundamental characteristics that defines jazz. The truly great jazz improvisors are always striving to find unique ways to express themselves musically.

To use an analogy, let's think about cars. "Smooth jazz" artists are essentially the Ford Taurus's of jazz-flavored pop music, whereas world-caliber jazz artists are the Porsches or Ferraris. Jazz is, at its heart, about more than just technical competence -- it's about soul and passion, and about playing music in an intensely personal, improvised way that conveys something of yourself.

To be honest, there are a lot of "young lions" who are acknowledged as true jazz artists that still leave me totally cold -- Wynton Marsalis is perhaps the best example. Wynton knows more about the history of jazz than many experts, and he has superb mastery of his instrument and of jazz composition and its many forms. Wynton is, by any rational standard, an enormously talented jazz musician. Nevertheless, he is -- to me -- essentially a conservatory-trained musician who plays with very little "soul". Do I disrespect Wynton? No, I don't, but I have very little interest in listening to the vast majority of his recorded work.

We could start an entire new thread about the merits of various artists, and how they should be classified in terms of "school". For example, some of the newer vocalists being touted as "jazz singers" don't even belong in the same category as Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Carmen McRae, Betty Carter, Sheila Jordan, and Ernestine Anderson. Singers such as Jane Monheit and Patricia Barber may be talented vocalists, but it's a real stretch to call them "jazz singers". Monheit, Barber, and company are -- to my mind -- more properly classified in the group which includes singers such as Rosemary Clooney, Peggy Lee, and many of the female crooners of the 1940's. Many were fine artists on their own terms, but they weren't jazz singers.

This particular debate may continue for many more years. So let me close by reiterating the point in my first post: music is about what pleases you, not other people. If that weren't true, how else could one explain rap -- which isn't even music?
I would like to retract my"old tired winey stale"comment.Music is all about the passion and emotional effect it has on us personally.I saw Warren Hill preform locally at a small intimate club.It was nothing short of a religous experience.Nobody can tell me that it was shallow,or non involving.so I certainly can't sit here in good conscious and crack on something that might be near and dear to someone elses heart.Music has a way of evolving into different styles.Example Rock and Roll,can anyone compare Elvis and Neil Young.So why do the hard core Jazz buffs feel so insulted if someone compares Miles Davis and Rick Braun for example.The smooth jazz fans aren't being critical of the classic older Jazz.So why are they so thinned skin when it comes to smooth jazz.One last point:I am talking about artists such as Bob James,Kirk Whalum,Peter White,David Sanborn,Warren Hill,Rick Braun etc.I am not making a blanket statement,and I don't consider the pop artists that get mixed in to be smooth jazz.Lighten up,if it bothers you that much don't listen.But don't criticize the millions of fans who enjoy it.
Musicians aren't good or bad, they're sucessful and unsucessful.

Jazz improvisation is exotic. Its appreciation is an acquired taste.

Smooth jazz gets no respect because it is boring.