Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?

I am a huge fan of Peter White,Kirk Whalum,Dave Koz,Warren Hill,etc.I have never understood why this flavor of music gets no respect.Not only is it musically appealing,but in most cases its very well recorded.Any comparisons to old jazz(Miles Davis etc.) are ludicrous.Its like comparing apples and oranges.Can anyone shed some light on this?Any contemporary(smooth)Jazz out there?I would love to hear from you. Thanks John
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"Brother, all I can say about this astoundingly naive statement "
Oh, come on now, It wasn't THAT naive.

"you're 150% wrong!"
What percent would I be wrong If I was completely wrong?

"While I'd agree that POPULAR Jazz, Gospel, R&B, and Country is practically unlistenable, as far as Jazz is concerned, there's such a wealth of great music being created here and abroad."

Well POPULAR jazz is the jazz that's dying. Are you saying that all this great stuff being created is the unpopular Jazz?. Name some of this great music being created around the world. What country? Artist? CD? Maybe you are being influenced by that hotbed of hard bop, Norway!

In any event, I hope you aren't one of those people that think any music that is improvised is JAZZ.

From your post, I feel that you are not well versed in the history of Jazz in this country. And I say that with all respect due or not due.
"Oh, come on now, It wasn't THAT naive."

Um, yeah it was. Your witty remarks suggest that you know all you're ever gonna know. I could write a very, very long list of extraordinary Jazz but I doubt you'd pay any attention to it. The fact that you don't seem to be aware of the wealth of Jazz currently being created tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge on the subject.

A man that thinks he knows it all doesn't know very much at all.
-shakin' my head in wonder-

Your opinion about Jazz pretty much jives with that other pearl of wisdom you dropped in the Muddy Waters thread; "The social conditions that produced the Blues no longer exist." Spoken like a true caucasian! I bet there might be a few people of color that might disagree with you!

So, according to you, there isn't anything noteworthy being created currently in either the Blues or Jazz Genres?! I'll say it a little more gently this time, seeing as how you've got your panties all in a bunch, you might want to do a little homework before making your blanket statements.

I hate these cyber-pissing contests, I usually refrain from engaging but god forbid someone who doesn't know any better actually buys what your selling!
"Um, yeah it was. Your witty remarks suggest that you know all you're ever gonna know."

Please explain the logic of this statement.

"I could write a very, very long list of extraordinary Jazz but I doubt you'd pay any attention to it."

I didn't ask for a very very very long list, just a few would suffice. I answered your post, point for point. Why would you conclude I would not pay attention your list of greats?

"The fact that you don't seem to be aware of the wealth of Jazz currently being created tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge on the subject."

Thats why I asked for you to point me in the direction of this wealth of Jazz. If I knew about them. I would not have asked.

"A man that thinks he knows it all doesn't know very much at all.
-shakin' my head in wonder-"

What led you think That I think I know IT ALL? I never said that. I like the dramatic touch. Like from a script of a play.

"The social conditions that produced the Blues no longer exist." Spoken like a true caucasian! I bet there might be a few people of color that might disagree with you!

If they still exist, where are the blues players? How do you know I'm caucasion? I'm sure a few people of color would disagree. But if I am wrong, why would just a few people of color disagree, what about the rest of the country. They have eyes and brains also.

"So, according to you, there isn't anything noteworthy being created currently in either the Blues or Jazz Genres?! I'll say it a little more gently this time, seeing as how you've got your panties all in a bunch, you might want to do a little homework before making your blanket statements."

How do you know I wear panties? Has that damn Jackson been talking? The rest of this statement is nonsense and not an accurate quote of what I said. I assume you read, so go back and read it.

"I hate these cyber-pissing contests, I usually refrain from engaging but god forbid someone who doesn't know any better actually buys what your selling!"

I didn't know this was a pissing contest. I know I am not in one. And I am not selling anything.

Music is History. if you don't understand that, then we will never see eye to eye. If I have the time, I will state my views on this subject later, since I used up all the space undoing your distortions.
"Music is History. if you don't understand that, then we will never see eye to eye."

OK, against my better instincts, I'll play. You seem to refer to 'history' a lot in your posts. Music HAS history, music CAN be historic. To suggest music IS history suggests that it's over. Based on the opinions you've expressed here and elsewhere it may very well be possible that music IS over, for you. Understand that I'm not trying to see eye to eye with you, I know what I know. Each time you post it becomes more apparent that you're really not the musicologist you think you are.

I know that a large percentage of audiophiles are older guys that primarily listen to the music of their past, absolutely nothing wrong with that. My love of music pulls me in a different direction, a direction where music is ageless and youthful creativity and energy exists in abundance.

Waiting for that rapier-sharp wit of yours to manifest itself!;)
And i'm waiting for you to provide that short list of the new crop of jazz and blues greats. And answer all the questions I asked. I answered yours.