Tom Waits

Well, oops Tom did it again(poor joke-I know),this guy is like a fine wine,he keeps getting better and better,you think he's backed himself into a musical corner and he goes an write's himself out of it.I know there are people out there who dislike his music,although I've never met him/her.He must be the only immortal musician still alive today.
I like Tom Waits too, but my favorite music of his is Holly Cole's "Temptations" which is a CD of her singing his songs. Cheers. Craig
Please I don't wish to offend you ..........But, Your favourite music of Tom waits is by somebody else?She sucked all the fun out of his music.She turned 1940's German avant garde circus into Disneyland,Burroughs and Bukowski into john grisham and the upright bass,the calliope and an old barroom piano into a Yamaha home organ.Maybe if she turns to prostitution,drinks straight whisky,smokes Gitanes or Gaullioses and works out near the airport for a couple of years then maybe she'll come close,oh and a false limb would help.
Waits is Waits is Waits. Why an ersatz when you can have the real thing? Quite surreal, I admit, but at the top of the list of, for want of a better expression, singer/songwriters. Not the easiest music or lyrics, dark, stark, troubling but never gratuitous, he spits at us all the violence, the absurdity and the pathetic chronic insanity of the "American Way of Life". Seems obvious most Americans can't recognize themselves in his work: his mirror is so close that some people only see the distortion.