What is a good intro to "Mahler"?

I have not listened to any of Mahler's work, but I am a classical fan and would be interested in learning more about his work.

What do you recommed as a start-off symphony? Something with life and fire! Must have great sound and perdormance.

And finally, I am a vinyl fan. Need to have it in that format. Thanks all!

I just listened to the 1st (Claudio Abbatto) and the 2nd....Bernstein! WoW!! I was really struck by these two symphonies. His (Mahler) work is quite interesting. I appreciate all the info you gave me!
Is Mahler's Symphony No. 5 currently available on LP? I've been searching several sites without any luck. I'm looking for a new or sealed copy.

Only Mahler 5 I know of out on vinyl now is the Solti Super Analog Disc version available through Cisco Records, but as I mentioned in an earlier post it is extremely bass-heavy in this format. Try the used record shops or e-bay, I guess.
Rcprince is right, the Cisco is unlistenable, to put it bluntly. Why not get in touch with Mikrokosmos in Toronto. Peter Fueloep, the owner is a Mahler specialist and he deals in LPs an has got first class mechandise at very fair prices.