little known musicians we should hear

I know i'm missing out on some great obscure or relatively obscure music. please give me your recommendations. include anyone (or any lp) you love and recommend without reservation, if it may not be well known.

my short list would be:

alejandro escovedo-singer/songwriter/gtr player/band leader
the hank dogs - u.k. folkies w/ 2 albums
anne briggs - more folk from the u.k.
richie haven's new lp "the well" (if you ever loved any of his stuff, you need this!)
I just don't know any great obscure classical, jazz or rock...uh, the velvet who?

honourable mention:
"u.s. mombs" (my 16 yr old's a drummer. this is her thrash band. so sue me, I like seeing it in print)
Stuff that I like that many people have not heard, but when I play it for them they LOVE:

Daves True Story (see these guys are not only recorded VERY well (Chesky records them), their lyrics and music are a lot of fun (and funny)

Rebeka Pidgeon: Also recorded by Chesky (see Chesky's webside), Mrs. Pidgeon has more tallent in her little pinky than I could hope to ever have. Not only does she write and sing wonderful music, she is a great actress (see her in State and Main). She is also married to David Mammet (amazing writer/director).

The Jade Warriors: this fusion group from the 70's is very rare, but very cool. They play a mix of Jazz/New Age/Rock/Far East music. It is really quite entertaining, and they tended to record it pretty well.

Until the the End of the World/Far Away So Close Soundtracks compiled by Wim Winders: These movie soundtracks are two of the best ever done. I am not big on the movies... but these soundtracks are really good.

Passion, The Last Temptation of Christ Soundtrack, Peter Gabriel, No audiophile should be without this disc.

Chess, the Musical, If you remotely like musicals or the game of Chess or Bobby Fisher, or the song: One Night in Bangcock... This is a great musical for you to hear. Great lyrics.

Assassins, the musical, Sondheim, If you have no idea who Sondheim is... well you are missing out. He does musicals about stuff no one else has the balls to touch. Assassins is a musical about all of the attempted and successful USA presidential assassins in the history of the United States. It is a dark comedy that is hilarious. This is my favorite Sondheim musical followed by Into the Woods.


Yes, Ozfly, Townes Van Zandt & Steve Earle, along with Guy Clark, had a 1995 performance recorded, two years before Townes died. It was released last year, called "Together at the Bluebird Cafe".
Steve Earle once said of Townes that he is the best songwriter out there, "and I'll stand on Bob Dylan's coffee table in my cowboy boots and say it."
Kelly Willis - "What I Deserve", a great C.D. She also has a new release called "Easy". It's a bit mellower then the first.