Audiogoners Anonymous?

The first step is knowing that you have a problem.

And mine is that I am so interested in this site, that I could forget about everything else I need to do personally and professionally when that Audiogon home page tempts and teases me nearly every waking hour from my Favourites folder.

Knowing this habit and my skillful ability to jump in and out and around this site, checking up to the minute posts and prices, my girlfriend often peers over my shoulder while I am "just checking my emails" or "just finishing a bit of work" before going to sleep -- only to bust me and ask if I am back on Audiogon again.

Has anyone else had this problem? Or does anyone have some technical solutions?

I am beginning to wonder if my day might be more productive if my desk had two or three computers and only one with web access? Do any of you work on a separate computer?

Prehaps then I might focusing more on the riveting details of my contact database, spreadsheets, and word documents instead of hearing the latest opionions on AC outlets.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
What a great thread! I've been and audiogonaholic for almost a year now. It all started out slow, and then one day I just had to make my first purchase. It was a pair of Newform Research R645's and man did I love those big ugly guys!! Still do, in fact. Not too long after that, I answereed my first thread. It didn't seem like a problem to me then. I guess I was in denial. And it felt so good!

I just had to keep going back to the classifieds every night, and then it soon krept into my work. I was checking into audiogon several times each day, especially when I knew that the boss was out of the office and the coast was clear, but then they started to regulate our internet usage and I was called to the carpet because my list of websites visited "stood out" in the monthly printout! I was asked if I was giving my job 100% and abruptly told "there's the door if your heart is not in it anymore." This was my first wake-up call, but then the boss got transferred and I talked my buddy in IT into deleting the query from the system that generated that offenseive report! What the hell, the new boss won't even know that he can get such a report, and what good is it anyway?

My IT buddy reluctantly agreed, and when he asked for a grease payment, I knew just the answer! I offered to find him a sweet deal on a pair of speakers, ANY PAIR OF SPEAKERS, saying to him, "just give me a budget, damit, I can find you something that is WAY WAY BETTER than anything you'll find at Circuit City, trust me, I have my ways, don't ask questions or I'll have to tell all. Do you really want a technical explanation, or are going to just trust me? I NEED A BUDGET TO WORK WITH, DAMIT, JUST GIVE ME A BUDGET!"

As it turned out the IT conspiracy provided only a temporary fix, and soon the management reports reappeared, so I started going acroos the street to a cyber-cafe and was paying $7.50 per hour for audiogon access!! I'd sneak out for the morning "coffee break" then again at lunchtime and twice more in the afternoon. By then, I had built an entire system from audiogon transactions, made lots of 'goning friends, and even started some of my own threads! If only those Kimber 8TC's would arrive! What could be taking that guy so long to reterminate them for me? As that too much to ask for?

I finally gave in completely about two months ago and set audiogon as my home page, and haven't looked back since. It has been a marriage made in heaven, as they say (whoever "they" are). I now keep multiple audiogon windows open so I can refresh every 12 seconds on my "new today" page, check "my page" for any new feedback and/or for new posts to my active forum threads, and finally to keep an eye out for new forum posts like the post not too long ago about "why all the posts?".

It's always a delight to see contributions from the regulars!! I like it especially when a certain audiogon "couple" starts in on their lover's quarl again (and I KNOW that no explanation is required for those of you who are as addicted as I am)!

Pass the cookies. When's the next meeting?
So, which of you gets some perverse satisfaction from being the first to post a reply to a new thread? I've only done it a few times. (BWAAhahahahaha!)

My whole family can just casually glance over at the computer & see what I'm doing & the comments have become interesting. They first started referring to A-gon as the "collective" & everybody here is part of it. Now you're all my borg friends & they're just waiting for me to get sucked into the computer. (Tron, anyone?)

I do have an excuse though. I'm recovering from a work related injury & have been sitting at home since the end of January. I know I'm normal because once I return to work I'll only log on 2 or 3 times a day.

I have at least learned to get up from the computer before my wife comes home from work so she doesn't think I've been sitting here all day. Nah, I don't have a problem. Really. Seriously.
Hahaha.... I can see that we all have syringes labeled "Audiogon" hanging out of our veins : )

I think that you folks know that i have it bad. Just look at how many posts i make and how long they are : )

After talking to Audiogon Arnie, he "conned" me into signing up for "wideband". He told me that i would be kicking myself once i found out how much "better" it was than operating off of a dial-up. My installation is supposed to take place this Friday, so we'll see how it goes. Honestly though, i don't think it will save me much time when surfing. It is not so much "surfing" that takes up so much time, it is doing all of the typing that kills me : ) Sean

PS... If you are thinking about going "broadband", try stopping by Best Buy, Circuit City, etc... Their deal using AT&T is actually cheaper than going directly to the source.
She's really starting to get concerned about the Geekfest. She says it's getting worse. I tried to explain it to her, she isn't buying it. Says it's not normal. Not healthy. Sick, in fact. That we're all just a bunch of sick Goobers ticky-tick-tick-ticking away all the time about nothing. She yells up to me, What are you doing?! She walks in to check on what I'm writing. I say, What do you think you're going to see here that would be of any interest to you? Not a thing, she says. How can you stand it? she says. She says, I think you have a problem. I'm serious. You didn't do anything you said you were going to do today. The phone line is always tied up. You didn't come to bed last night. You need to get help. You need to get a life.


Nah - you kidding? I got it all under control.
Z: ahhahahaa.. Like i said, it is almost as "bad" as having a syringe hanging out or your arm. Believe me, i've heard the same thing, a million times over... : ) Sean