SACD - Just Starting Out

I'm taking the plunge with SACD next week. I have only one SACD sampler so far. I plan to start with 5 SACD's and build from there. My musical tastes tend mainly towards rock, jazz, some classical and a little C&W/Bluegrass. Given that I'm a Rolling Stones fan and I plan to buy 2 of the new reissues, what would you suggest as a starter library? Which 2 Stones SACD's are the best?
Well, try some of the later albums because I bought two of my favorite old Stones albums (December's Children and the More Hot Rocks double CD) and the sound is still as bad as the original CDs sound, in my opinion! Those early albums just were not recorded well, obviously, and even in SACD they sound like they're coming from the bottom of an aluminum garbage can. Just like when I first heard these records.
We are in exactly the same boat I just picked up mine this weekend and asked someone the exact same question. I bought Let it bleed and Beggars Banquet for the Stones now classical Mozart Sinfonia concertante this is both 2 channel and 5.1 if you are so inclined my dealer loaned me a neat sacd from Al Demiola something about Sanfrancisco and surprisingly Dylan's Blonde on blonde for an older cd it was a neat recording. I just ordered J T's Hourglass and Patricia Barber Modern Cool. So here we go again a new format the one to end all formats " only kidding" the only rule of thumb I am using is I am trying not to replace stuff I already have the idea of comparing the two can make you nuts and in the end all you have are two recordings of the same stuff I am looking at this to expand my collection and hear some great recordings on my system for the first time then as time and money and technology permit I will augment some of my cd's with duplicates Good Luck
Patricia Barbers, modern cool and night club, on the mobile fidelity label are simply outstanding. Hilary Hahn plays stravinsky and brahms is also very good if you like those two composers. Jacintha, lush life, is also excellent if you like female jazz vocals. She is smoother more precise in her presentation than diana krall. I have had my SACD player (SCD-1) for about six months now and have enjoyed every minute of ownership. SACD is as close as it gets to analog without the hassles.

Beggars Banquet and Let it Bleed are the best sound according as far as many reviews go.I own both and they are excellent.Roger Waters is an excellent live show if you like Pink Floyd.Kind of Blue, Miles Davis.Enjoy!