Who sings "carry on" in Sony TV commercial?

This is a female singer singing Crosby, Stills, Nash & Youngs song.
Spluta, try putting the following text "carry on" "sony commercial" (must be ["x" "y"] in that format) into www.google.com. The second one will get you your answer. As an aside, I think google is the best search engine out there for finding things which are a bit obscure but using compound phrases as above certainly helps. Since Yahoo! changed their search engine to a google-driven engine, a search on Yahoo! should theoretically yield the same result.
T bone, thank-you for solving this one. I'm going out tomorrow to buy Alana Davis's disks. From the discussion found at google it sounds like "carry on" is not released, but was sung for this commercial only. I assume we will hear this cut in the near future on a cd. Thank again for your great detective work.
T bone nice work!

I have always used Yahoo.. I Know they recently started
using google. Im pretty sure i tried that I was trying many combo's. I must have overlooked results(thats way to easy).

We must have posted at approx same time.. I checked before
i posted...

I will try again.

