Cowboy Junkies

Heard of them for years. Finally, today, just finished listening to the Trinity Sessions cd. I'm freakin out. Can't believe these guys. Do they get better than this? This is an early album, obviously. Their first? Where do I go from here? Thanks in advance. peace,
I love rice cakes. Couldn't disagree more re: Trinity Sessions. Hey whattayagonado?
I guess I am pretty late catching up with this thread but my copy of Trinity Sessions only arrived a few days back.This was my first exposure to the Junkies having heard great things on this site.Like most naive audiophiles,I am a sucker for things new having spent dollops of hard earned cash on esoteric hardware(just kidding, am enormously proud of my system !).
Wow its a great album - all the tracks sound the same!!!Monotonous sameness. No offence meant to hard core Junkies, the most apt description of this album : sonorous lullabies.
I saw them at the Portsmouth Music Hall several years ago and they were good. If you like them, a few of their concerts are listed on Futher.