Calling all indie rockers...

Is there anybody out there?

The whole idea of Hi-Fi doesn't particularly lend itself to the often low quality recordings in the indie rock world, but I'm a music lover, not a gear lover. And for me, the indie scene is responsible for most of the best music being made today (exceptions being Radiohead, Beck, Flaming Lips, and a few others). So, anybody up for a thread of their favorite indie albums of say, the last decade? Here's my quick list:

1. Sunny Day Real Estate - How it feels to be something on (Sub Pop, 1998)
2. Yo La Tengo - I can hear the heart beating as one (Matador, 1997)
3. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (Matador, 2002)
4. Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (Fat Cat, 2000)
5. Grandaddy - The Software Slump (V2, 2000) is V2 an indie?

Okay indie rockers, I know you're out there...
Doing my part to help revive this old thread, I'll list a few--not necessarily all-decade "bests," but not yet mentioned and well worthy of notice--off the top of my head:

Freakwater (just about any of their LPs, but I'll cast my vote for Springtime)
Aislers Set--The Last Match
Pernice Brothers--The World Won't End
Iron & Wine--The Creek Drank the Cradle
Acetate Zero--Softcore Paradise
American Analog Set--The Golden Band

Ah, I could go on all night...Four tet, Múm, the Clientele, Movietone, Broadcast, the Books, the Decemberists, Tompaulin, Norfolk & Western, Camera Obscura (the Scottish one), Neko Case, Swearing at Motorists, Ladybug Transistor, the Lucksmiths, the Minders, the Twin's a good time to be buying music, I think.

P.S. Those of you into Interpol need to hear Joy Division if you haven't already--another definite source (along with Echo & the Bunnymen, the Psychedelic Furs, the Chameleons, etc.). I know everyone loves "Turn on the Bright Lights," but I just can't listen to it since it sounds too much like all the bands I liked back in high school.

P.P.S. Swell Maps were indeed great, but were British, not Australian.

P.P.P.S. If you haven't heard the Fall, Phasecorrect is right, they're another absolute must. Perhaps start with the old singles compilation "Palace of Swords Reversed" instead of "This Nation's Saving Grace"?
The Trash Can Sinatras will always be my favorite bands. Their best album (IMHO) was 1992's "I've Seen Everything" but their debut ("Cake") was excellent as well.
Rilo Kiley-The Execution Of All Things
Built To Spill-Keep It Like A Secret
The Frogs-My Daughter The Broad
Neutral Milk Hotel-In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Sleater Kinney-All Hands On The Bad One
Cat Power-You Are Free
Quasi-Field Studies
Helium/Mary Timoney
Dressy Bessy
Rainer Maria
Halo Benders
Beat Happening
Make Up
Holly Golighlty
Thee Headcoatees
the Moldy Peaches
Chicks On Speed