Mark Knopfler's Ragpickers Dream-heard it?

I have had this import LP on order from Music Direct for months, and I finally got it the other day. If you are a fan of Knopfler or Dire Straits, this is a must have record. The guitar work is more understated than some of the Dire Straits records, but Knopfler makes every note count. The LP deals with the working man's trials and tribulations. Knopfler's voice has a "in the room"quality. This is a great recording for a revealing high resolution system.
I also agree with Rd. Can't say i enjoyed the ragpickers dream. I bought it and dropped it out of rotation quickly. He can do much better and has.
I bought the cd last December and still listen to it. I really like it and almost ordered the lp version (they were on order). I think that this album represents a more mature Mark Knopfler, yet it has some of the same hooks that are in his earlier work.
I think this is an overall excellent MK album that unfortunately may require a couple of listens to get under your skin. It's certainly the best recorded MK album to date; and, if you throw out the 1 or 2 usual MK clunkers, the rest are decent songs that emphasize lyrical content over musical complexity. I agree that it's no "Sailing To Philadelphia," but I think you all might change your opinion if you heard it on vinyl - it's absolutely stunning.

All the best,
"German beer is chemical free, Germany's alright with me." That couplet makes the album worth the money. Egoss hits the nail on the head.