Brahms and Tchaikovsky

I'm looking for audiophile-quality, exciting performances for Brahms' 3rd and 4th symphonies and Tchaikovsky's piano concertos (all on CD). I currently have the van Cliburn for Tchaikovsky's #1 and Zubin Mehta with the Israel Philharmonic for the Brahms.

I'm looking for some more recordings to try here. Sound quality is a high priority.

Thanks in advance,

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I did many years ago have the Horrowitz/RCA mono recording from 1943 conducted by Toscanini of Tchaikovsky PC 1, but I perhaps foolishly got rid of it since I thought the sound quality was too comprimised......kinda wish I still had it now for reference.
Both versions of the Horowitz/Toscanini Tchaikovsky (Broadcast and Studio)are available on CD. The sound isn't great but it is better than the LP transfer.
Yes, both of Horowitz/Toscanini CDs are pretty dismal sounding, but performance wise, Horowitz eclipses Argerich in the pyrotechnics (the 1943 slightly more so than 1941).

Both readily available at Tower and I assume other establishments.