Plinius owners, what power cable are you using?

Would like any suggestions please.
Hi,i use a stealth v12,the same on the pre aswell,which does make a big difference.
I have found the following power cords to all work well with a variety of Plinius integrated amps as well as the SA Reference amp I currently use. I could easly live with any of the following listed in no particular order of various price ranges:
Stealth Dream
PAD 20th Anniversary Contego
PAD Aqueous 20th Anniversary
CH Acoustics X-20
High Diamond P-3 or better yet P-4
Elrod EPS 3/Signature
High Fidelity Cable power cord
Thankyou for that lak.Can I ask,how good is the sa reference.Ive got the sa100 mk2 for the second time.My previous was sa 250 mk3.
I've had my SA Reference since 2006 and I had to special order it and wait
for the delivery which was shipped by boat! (LOL)
I like my SA Reference and have been very pleased with it. Drives my
Magnepan 3.7's effortlessy with great sound and extension. I've never felt
that it lacked any bass.
300 wpc into 8 ohms
450 wpc into 4 ohms
Lak,have you tried a furutech gtx rhodium wall outlet.That worked big time for me.I lost heaps of brightness and everything was better.I have 3 now I think.