Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?

I like Paul Chambers for his groove and arco. Sam Jones for his Time. Rufus Reid becaues he taught me. Jaco because of the absolute passion. Christian McBride because he's the MAN righ now--and he's the director of the Brubeck Institute at the University of the Pacific, which is my Alma Mater; Ron Carter because of everything he's recorded; George Maraz because of his soul; Richard Davis because of his intensiity; Reggie Workman due to his authenticity; Lonnie Plaxico because of his work with he Jazz Messengers; Scott LaFaro--BECAUSE HE'S THE BEST! (Eddie Gomez and Chuck Isreal are cool, too!). Who're you 'un?
Man, there are so many and most provide the absolute foundation for the music surrounding them.

I have to go with Chris Squire of Yes because he is still going STRONG after 30+ years. Saw Yes twice last summer, once in the small, acoustically excellent Flint Center in Cupertino, California. His ability to sustain and BEND a single note is just incredible and an true adventure.

Now, if we are talking UPRIGHT bass, Paul Chambers is hard to beat.
Jazz - Jimmy Blanton
Pop - James Jamerson

Honorable mentions - Jaco, Jack Bruce, Paul McCartney, Jack Cassady
Flea- Red Hot Chili Peppers This is the best rock band in the last 10 years and his sound is a big reason why. He plays fast, loud, and funky. Great live performances. I've seen them 5 times and seeing them again in Atlanta next week.
Agree that Christian McBride is the man right now, but
fortunately there's a lot interesting younger players like Reid Anderson from The Bad Plus and James Cammack
who's on Ahmad Jamal's new CD.

Always enjoyed Gary Peacock, who should be nominated
for sainthood for having to listen to Keith Jarret sing.