Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
Yeah, country music is really one very long song:"my wife is gone, my truck is broke, all cows died and that's about all".But there is certain consistency and calm in that.You just have to put your mind in the right gear, than it is managable.
I've always struggled with much of Coltrane's later recordings, not his musicianship which is what DOES draw me to him but the endless stream of improvisation which at times seems so disjointed and uninvolving. I keep on trying though in the hopes of someday finally getting it.

There are many "audiophile approved" recordings which I find dreadfully boring, too many to name and life is too short to focus on such things . As with one of the posters above, I have really come to appreciate the artistry of Patricia Barber not to mention her musianship.

I think there is a tendency at times to separate the music from the musianship and creativity of an artist. As noted above, I feel Coltrane to be among the greatest musicians I've ever heard as a result, am still trying to get more into his music, which is much harder. Louis Armstrong is the single greatest jazz musician to me. For those who might not "get" him I suggest listening to his early hot five recordings, not audiophile to be sure but to get a sense of his inate ability at phrasing not to mention his unique tone. His voice may not appeal but ya gotta love his phrasing both vocally and with his horn. If you don't like the music that is another thing altogether. Listen to "West End Blues" for a great example.
Limiting myself to those that seem to have gotten some degree of acceptance among critics and audiophiles, I'll nominate:


and certainly second the nomination of Eminem.
God I have to agree with most of you. Most of the music coming out today is not worth the download time anyway. Hardly any recording worth more than a song or two if that.

Reubent - Dave Mathews Band YES, YES, YES I cannot stand this guy, who the hell is buying this garbage. I had heard that even the band members could not understand why!

Key_metric Yawnni... oops, I mean Yanni. God I have been calling him that for years.

Stne418 Kenny G He has to be rated up there two. Drop some acid or something Kenny! Maybe you'll get a new idea!

Mscommerce Michael Bolton 100% with you here too. And yes the Titanic woman herself, eat something for Gods sake. She must weigh in at 80 lbs!

Add to my list the Counting Crows. Blah, Blah, Blah garage band music if that.

I like Jazz but not all even from the same artist or band, same with rock, etc. More into Gino Vanelli! SOme of the earlier and later stuff he did. George Benson, Bad Benson is happenin' too. Plus most of the standards but it takes some time to find what you like and too much crap to hear before you get there.

Oh yeah Elron John too, like a few songs but after that put a fork in him, he's done!

Anyone like ABBA??? Yeah right! I was joking, really!

Funny how smooth jazz plays Clapton, when did that happen?
Inna & Duane: I'm more than willing to give Mahavishnu a "real" try. To be quite honest, i've never really sat down and listened to them and have only heard bits and pieces at various times. Those "bits & pieces" were so repulsive to me that they are forever etched in my mind.

As such, what would you suggest that i start off with as an intro to this band ? That is, knowing what you do about me and my previous comments ? Take it easy on me in terms of trying to "blow me away" with "Fusion*", etc... While i'm obviously a "rocker" at heart, you might also want to take that into consideration. I've got about a half dozen of their LP's here that i bought for my Brother as a gift, so i may already have what you suggest. I've just never been able to bring myself to listen to them. Sean

* When they named it "Fusion", didn't they mean "Confusion" ??? : )