I need more Funk

I've had two discs in my SACD lately that I just can't get enough of, Herbie Hancock's Head Hunters & Jeff Beck's Blow by Blow. These two discs never fail. So what other choices are out there? I want to hear incredible musicians playing exciting music on good recordings that don't bore me to death like some jazz I've been exposed to. I need to boogie so give me some suggestions.
I don't know about SACDs but the early to mid Tower Of Power stuff always knocks me out as well as the JBs both are horn driven FUNK-r&b. Bound to get you funkifized......"Knock Yourself Out"

Cheers, Lee
I was listening to a little Tower of Power last night as a matter of fact & yup I got funkifized. I sort of forgot about Scofield, thanks for the reminder.
I dig on some very serious funk. Check out Praxis "Transmutation" a wierd blend of funko-punko-metallo-jazz-o-delic fusion on axiom label. This CD is excellently recorded on the small private studio.
If you won't like it from the first time, second time listen after glass of wine or shot of whiskey or if you don't mind some pufffff and you will believe that this is the most funko-delic stuff you've ever listened to...
What's Pufff?
is that the stuff that comes out of my amp when I blow a tube?