Any Michael Franks Fans ?

I have been enjoying Michael's music since the 1970's & had the opportunity to see him live on one occasion. As a musician I appreciate his vocal phrasing & I suppose the fact he uses some of the top name jazz musicans on his recording session is one of the reasons I continue to purchase his recordings. My question is, from an audiophile view point, what record/CD do you think have the best sonic qualities.
Thanks! Geno
I only have "Tiger in the Rain" and I think that sounds pretty good on LP. Don't know about any others.
I enjoy Franks, his biggest influence is clearly Mose Allison.....and I love Mose!
I'm also a big Franks fan. My favorite is "Sleeping Gypsies". This was, I believe his second album. During this time his band was the "Jazz Crusaders" with Joe Samples on Keyboard. Some of his later ablums IMO were hit and miss, with "Blue Pacific" among the best. I would highly recommend both to any Jazz fan. Enjoy.
To answer the question "The Art of Tea" has a really nice analog sounding mix that some of the digitally mastered jobs don't seem to have. As already mentioned "Tiger in the Rain" is a nice sounding recording also. For an introduction to Mose try "Creek Bank", two LP set on Prestige.
I have been an avid fan of Michael Franks since his very first album, "The Art of Tea." Viridian is correct to point out that this album is the finest sounding and the most musically rewarding of all his releases, with "Sleeping Gypsy" coming in at a close second. Most of the follow up albums sound mediocre and not as musically satisfying. If you dig Franks, then you should try David Frishberg, Ben Sidran or Mark Murphy.
