Good Jazz/Vocal Reference CD Recommendations?

I'm a big fan of Jazz/Vocal/Classical music and am in a never-ending quest of good reference CDs to bring out the best of my humble system. Any suggestions?

How about those Stereophile reference CD's? Anyone has any experience with them? Are they worth it? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Current system:
VAC Avatar Integrated Tube Amp
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers
Rega Planet 2000 CD Player
Nordost Blue Heaven IC & Bi-wired Speaker Cables
Ella, Doug McCleoud, Sam McClain on XRCD. I could go on and on, but you've got other audiophools for that. Check these babies out. It's a humble start. There's oodles out there. Plenty of stuff in the archives. Here we go again. We've done this thread, adnauseam. But, hey: we're audiophools. That's what we (I) do. peace, warren
Eva Cassidy - "Live At Blues Alley"
Herb Alpert - "Midnight Sun" (I'm not kidding on this one. Stunning sonics)
Bill Evans Trio - "Waltz for Debbie", "Sunday At The Village Vangard"
Sonny Rollins - Remasters of "Saxaphone Colossus", "Way Out West"
Art Pepper - "Meets The Rythmn Section"
Miles Davis - Soundtrack from "Finding Foresster" (Mostly Miles, but other artists as well)
Patricia Barber - "Cafe Blue", "Companion", "Modern Cool", "Verse"