Shawn Lane R.I.P.

Incredibly gifted guitarist dies at 40, huge loss. His playing on the Jonas Hellborg discs (acoustic and electric) put him at a very high pinnacle as a musician. It's hard to believe he won't be here to blow us away anymore. If you haven't heard him , the Hellborg/Lane/Selvaganesh-Good People disc is a good place to start. Fantastic recording, even better music.
Not sure what you meant when you wrote "music is a team effort". Are you saying that there are no great (or even musically redeeming) single instrumentalist performances or recordings? Anyway the 1994 Hellborg/Lane/Baker, Abstract Logic disc at times displays an extremely high level of musical telepathy and teamwork. I don't know how much Shawn Lane you've heard, but this recording strongly indicates that he had the team thing figured out at least 9 years ago.
Some of the recordings I've heard seem to show him off at the expense of the ensemble. I'm not denying his amazing talent. I sometimes have the same impression of John McLaughlin, although his role in Shakti seems to be more ensemble-minded than in his early incarnations. I'm not bashing Shawn Lane... perhaps my original post was poorly worded.
He was a very good player.Let's just not compare him with John McLaughlin in any way.