Pink Floyd FINALLY Releases Live At Pompeii

Waited over 30 years, got the Dark Side, tomorrow Pompeii (at Best Buy), hopefully Wish You Were Here next.
Just to make it very clear: the original movie is not on the DVD.

The disc contains the new director's cut and, in a different chapter, the music scenes filmed in the Pompeji Auditorium, without all the other footage (studio scenes, scenery).

If you want the original movie, you must get the VHS tape
As far as music only,how much better can "wish you were here" sound??
The JVC XRCD is remarkable and the original vinyl release and digital remasters are not far behind the JVC.
How far can you go? :~)
Hi Ben!
Ben, Rx8man refers to the "Dark side of the moon" DVD, the recent documentary which contains all the studio footage that is shown in the Pompeji video plus new interviews etc
Ornette still doesn't explain his comments about Wish You Were Here-I know about the DSOM DVD-his original post is factually wrong since this material(Pompeii) has been about for years and years.
Apologies about saying the orignal was on the disc,I must have picked that up wrong from the fact that the original concert footage is there.
For years I waited for a DVD release. Two months ago I broke down and bought the tape! I will buy the DVD nonetheless. I think it's a phenomenal film because it catches the band at a very crucial moment in their career, and the concept of playing in the empty amphitheater is quintessentially floydian.