I'll have a Britney with that Taco.

There is an Investment Banker in Atlanta named Jeff Arnold who started WebMD. He has a new idea that looks like has legs. It’s called LidRock. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “The Company embeds CD’s in the lids of softdrinks at movie theaters, convenience stores and fast-food restaurants. Starting next month, mall fast-food chain Sbarro will start a Britney Spears promotion. For 80 cents extra, consumers can get a drink with a CD featuring Spears newest single, a video of Spears and Madonna, and a coupon for $2 off Spears’ entire album at Sam Goody.” He also wants to revolutionize the DVD rental business. “He’s got ideas about distributing movies on lids, using technology that makes the discs worthless 48 hours after being exposed to air. Consumers would like that better than renting because they wouldn’t have to return anything, he says.”
I’ll have a Cheeseburger, Fries, a Coke, mmmm, a Kill Bill, and a Kid Rock on my LidRock.
Great. More trash in the landfill. Any company that introduces another limited-duration product (such as the expiring DVD you mentioned) in our modern day and age should be required to have some sort of environmental plan in place, including use of reusable/recyclable materials, and provisions for recycling the products they create. I wonder if they've thought about this and incorporated these concerns? It would make me feel alot better about the idea.
That's a good point Mwilson. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't know how i overlooked that, as i am an avid "recycler". Glad these forums provide a public "check & balance" via open participation. Sean
I could care less about movies in my soda lids, but I would very much like to sign up for a Britney taco.
No worse than the Disney self-destructing dvd "rentals". I'm amazed they were permitted to bring that to market. I can only hope the public snubs that product.
I think this is going to be huge. Picture a carload full of kids and a parent trying to make a decision about what drive thru to go thru... Britney at McDonalds, Christina at Burger King, different songs on different lids and you get the picture. This idea also transcends age, everyone from 9 to 90 would be interested in popping a new song in the CD player.
Regarding environmental concerns... I would argue that a DVD isn't that much more environmentally damaging than the existing plastic lid. And unlike a plastic lid which most surely ends up in the trash, a DVD which makes it to the consumers home would be more likely to get recycled.