Album which you have listened to most?

We all have favourites and we all keep going back to them every now and then. Some maybe permanently lying next to our systems and have been for years.

Is there an album or two or three at the most which gets most of your attention and is played on your system most often? Not necessarily the best sounding but the one which you are emotionally attached to.

I thought I would ask for a single album but to make it easier for all you may name three of them.

If you have have had the album for more than five years, it qualifies for inclusion here.

The reason I decided to post this message is because I am interested in buying something interesting and if there are only ten people responding it means 30 albums for me to be on the lookout for.

Thanks a lot for your input (if you have read this far I know you will post your three albums also) :-)
Nazareth - Hair of the dog (original UK version without Love Hurts that was added to the US version)...been playing it since it came out 1975...
I can't imagine Hair of the Dog without Love Hurts!!!! That is one of the original power ballads, and one of the best!
not even close for me - The White Album. I friend brought it over the day after it first hit the record store and from then over the next 15 years I bought probably 5 copies of the record (tending to leave it along with everything else as I moved from place to place). I listened to the complete album more than 100 times in the first few years of its release. Was so glad to get the box sets of the Beatles last year as the cd's prior to that sounded nothing like the original vinyl.
Many, many great responses here! So much music I love, yet my all time favorite is Allman Bros. "At Fillmore East".
Followed by "Mountain Jam" from "Eat a Peach". Quite possibly the best concert recording of popular music. Certainly the best of this phenomenal groundbreaking band. Alas short lived though it was.