What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
Go back to France the lot of you. And while you're at it build another maginot line to protect you from the U.S.A.
Blood+oil= $$$$$$$$$.Pink Floyd song "money" really is a good title for this war...Halliburton ,Richard Cheney(Dick to the college crowd)ex company was "awarded" a untedered 2.9 US Billion contract to "rebuild Iraq"..hmm conflict of interest here?...damn right........so whos next on the US hitlist?...Syria..Iran...Egypt?...
65% of all aid money in the entire world comes from us bad guys.
They also said we would fail in Japan after WW2. The culture was too different. Japan is doing quite well I would say. I no way can Saddam be defended. How about the human meat grinders? How about the gassing of the Kurds?
Please tell me where the USA has gone and left without making it a better place?
With a few exceptions, it appears that many have accepted the lie that the U.S. is in Iraq to liberate it's people. It's really about the oil.
Flemke's reference to post WW2 Japan is interesting. If it really is analogous to the current situation in Iraq, then in the year 2053 there still will be U.S. troops in Iraq. But then again, maybe the oil will have run out by then.
"He was trained and funded by the CIA during the Iran/Iraq war..." Bmwhaus, do you realize that we did that because the United States sovereign territory was invaded by Iranians and our Embassy staff was held hostage?

"Osama Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight against the Russians during the Afgan war..." Bmwhaus, do you realize that if the Soviet Union would have succeeded the Berlin wall likely wouldn't have come down?

"There are two sets of rules for this planet..." Bmwhaus, the vast majority of member countries in the UN have governments that actively work against their citizens basic human rights. Do you really wonder why the US doesn't allow them to control what we do? Left to the UN we would all be living under Iraqi type rule.

Jeffloistarca, Saddam was found in a 6x6x8 foot hole in a country we occupy. Think about it. We did find the needle in the haystack. Bin Laden is likely in an area outside of our control. That makes finding the needle in a haystack just a little more difficult. Besides, it's obvious that Bin Laden is smart whereas Saddam was just a successful thug.

To those that think the UN is the answer to all our problems, think Rawanda.

I want to make myself perfectly clear on a few issues that I would likely get tagged wrong on. First, GWB isn't my hero. World bankers control world events, not world leaders. My heart goes out to fundamentalist Muslims. The very voices here in this thread that oppose rejoicing at the capture of Saddam also desire an anything goes approach to what we see, hear and do in the United States. This liberal approach to removing wholesome values is the root of the problem. Think about it. The liberals want any language, any act, any piece of art, or whatever, that the vast majority in this country finds replusive to be allowed for "freedoms" sake. With satellite television and internet accessability the Middle East is being exposed/bombarded to that which the fundamentalists find to be "of the Great Satan". The fundamentalists are losing control as the Middle Eastern population slowly embraces unwholesome values. I don't find it surprising that Muslim extremists are committing terrible acts out of desparation to save their very way of life. No, I don't condone terrorism and hope the world has the resolve to continue fighting it. When you want to see anything, hear anything or do anything please stop and think of the reprecussions of your desires. The entire glode is now your stage and a lot of it doesn't care for the play. Liberalism is the problem, not the solution.