What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
So, Gunbei, what music do you favor then? Myabe you mentioned it among the bifurcation sorting and I missed it? ;-)
Gunbei, Great historical perspective. Thanks for taking the effort! You are right on the money. 4yanx and Slipknot1, great contributions from you guys too. And Slipknot1, remember that when anyone criticizes your conspiracy thoughts.....just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. ;)
Yeah, I kinda have mixed feelings on this. I'm damn glad we got him and the possibly bright future for the Iraqi people it could yield if we play this out correctly.

We have to take into consideration the feelings and culture of the Iraqis though, and allow them a bigger role in constructing their "new" country. We're walking a tightrope because there are so many ethnic and religious groups to appease. Maybe we can take a cue from the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq and see how they've built a government and semi-thriving albeit western-type society.

But as we've already seen, in a land with ethnic and religious diversity and long-standing hostilities it's gonna be supremely difficult. If you placate the Shiites, you piss off the Sunnis, and don't forget about the Kurds and how the Turks just north of the border feel about them. And that's one of the reasons I was opposed to the war. I think we bit off way more than we can and care to chew. We have a history of going in and getting what we want, then leaving. I pray I'm wrong.

As for my Saddam musical request? How about some old Parlament/Funkadelic, "Shit, Goddamn, Get Off Your Ass and Jam!!!!"

Now where are we gonna find that 6' 4" wirey-bearded ex-Yemeni/Saudi, rich boy, Afghan Mujahadeen MoFo??!!!!!!
Gunbei, you said it all, much better than I could. Just because there are some nuts in the White House doesn't mean that the US is not a great country, and, on balance, a force for good in the world. If only McCain had one the Republican primaries.
Celebrate what?...that one former USA puppet dictactor will be replace by another one.This "war" is not over,in fact I doubt he was ever in command since the first shot was takened since the start of the war,there is a element that the USA cannot identified that is finacing the "insurgents" and planning the bombings of US troops.Look at Saddam,he looks that he been in that hole for 8 months,you think he had the ablity to give orders?.This is not the end but a beginning of more terrorist attacks against US interest.The only people that are laughing are the back room accountants for the military contracts that the Bush goverment is handing out like candy at your local 7-11..Congress is expected to approve another 85 billion dollars if this war drags on until 2006-7(If bush is still president),the USA could had medicare system up for every citizen int the USA for 1/10 of the cost of this "rebuilding" of the locations the USA destroyed,but we know that KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root)Halliburton(Dicks former company)is making HUGE profits from this rebuilding projects.Where is the media?..why arent they questioning the White House back room deals,you know why because they are labelled anti-american.World news media even came out and mentioned that this war was the most censored conflict ever inline with what the media could publish,and what they can see.Im not anti-american,I just dont think that USA could bypass the UN and conduct wars at their whim..