What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
Treyhoss, your points are well taken. I guess my questions were more rhetorical than not and I certainly don't want to appear as though I think my opinion is more valid than another's. I'm just concerned about where it all ends, who gets invaded next, etc.

Yes, the USA and its armed forces are essentially the cops on the global stage. Also, there was no hesitation on the part of many nations to participate in the Afghan mission, where there was a fairly clear rationale for taking action. America was attacked, the culprit(s) identifiable and their whereabouts more or less known. America responded with the backing and military contributions of many of its traditional allies and others.

I just think that in the case of Iraq, the rationale was not as clear. Perhaps it is a pipe dream/naive to think that the members of the UN could or should act more decisively on these matters. However, I still hope for greater cooperation among nations and people.

This is what's so great about a forum like this (even though we are so far off of audio-related topics in this thread), the ability to share thoughts with others without fear of opression or retribution. Vigorous debate and disagreement are hallmarks of freedom and democracy.

Gunbei, the Sea Kings are a fleet of 40-year old helicopters still in service with the Canadian Navy and an embarassment. They have more of tendency to fall onto the decks of destroyers and frigates (upside down in one incident), rather than landing gracefully. Looks like our new Prime Minister has the military as a priority in general and replacing these choppers specifically in the short term. Some snipers from our Special Forces were even being considered for the US' Bronze Star (not sure if that's the right one) for their service in Afghanistan. In a couple of instances, they were able to 'neutralise' Taliban or al-Qaeda operatives from something like a mile or more away.

The canadians dont try to hard with thier military.

Who can blame them?

They are right next door to the US. Canada knows if anyone screws with them they screw with the USA. Any country that borders the USA basically has nothing to worry about, cause the USA would kick the crap outta anyone who messes with them.

I might take an occasional popshot at the canadians, but all in all, Canada is a good country, and a good friend of the USA.

Canada would probably to use those sea kings to take down aircraft if they put em in big catapults.
Mghcanuck, you gotta love those 50 cal. rifles similar to the Barrett 82A1 a lot of the sniper platoons seem to be using these days. I saw an ad for the bolt action version that claimed accuracy out to 2000 meters. That's pretty close to Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock's confirmed kill in Vietnam.

You are correct in what you say. And I agree, the goal of the UN is a noble one and one cannot give up that goal. Dialogue between nations usually helps to diffuse bad situations before they begin and on that level the UN works well. Hopefully, tools like the internet will open the doors to various freedoms where none existed before. Let us hope anyway.
Thanks everyone for your posts. Seems like the majority of Audiogoners are sane, even though there is a contingent that consistently hates the U.S. It's wonderful that we have free speech so that they can freely expose themselves to others.