What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
You are just partialy correct. Libya was already making the attempts to please West to lift the embargo, with accepting the responsibility for the downing of the Pan-Am over Scotland, and distanced themselves from the terrorism. Now, that was just over nine months before Iraq adventure. Timing for the additional concesions was just perfect Christmas gift for the Blair and Bush. Thsalmon, if you want to "indetify" me even further, we could meet eye to eye at the Las Vegas CES, and you -and everyone else - can express your REACTIONARY views directly. I am easy to contact!
Patrick, I respect what you say but did want to clarify a few things. In my original post I took issue with Thsalmon's remark that most Audiogoners agreed with his sentimient based on the fact that most of the respondants to this thread did. To me that is a broad assumption. I referred to it as "presumptuous". I never said anything about most Americans agreeing or disagreeing with the thread. I deleted it because of intemperate remarks that I made in response to being called less than sane. Those remarks were a direct and personal attack on Thsalmon and were as inappropriate as his comments. I am not uncomfortable with other viewpoints but I am uncomfortable with being called insane. Name calling is not a viewpoint. I do agree that those who put their lives on the line in Vietnam were treated shamelessly upon their return. Please do not lump me in with this group and paint me with such a broad brush. I was too young to serve, but my brother did and I am painfully aware of the disgraceful treatment heaped upon those who served their country upon their return. It is possible to disagree with the policy and yet support those who have chosen to defend our country. Though many will surely disagree. My appologies for paraphrasing your comments regarding posting here. Their tone and meaning stand on their own.

Apology accepted and no hard feelings.


My point wasn't partially correct. I was referencing the connection between Saddam's capture and what Lybia has done. I didn't feel compelled to write the history of the world to make that point. But you, ever knowledgable, never reactionary, have it figured out as a Christmas present to Bush and Blair. You lost all credibility with that one.

Such a hostile invitation for the reactionaries to "meet" you at CES was totally uncalled for and seems to be a less than civilized solicitation.
For the open minded, link worth checking:

I guess I didn't get to read Viridian's post before it was deleted, but I did not mean to assert that those who disagree with me are insane, at least in the literal, psychotic sense. If anybody saved it, please forward me a copy. Perhaps "reasonable" would have been a better term. However, it is equally inaccurate to label someone as "reactionary" just because they don't agree with you.