Tom Waitts Where do I begin?

In NY, FUV, one of our small, cozy, radio stations has been doing a special through the day on Tom Waitt's music. I'm a believer, now. Where do I begin? Can you give me some albums to start with? thanks in advance. peace, warren
You can begin with spelling his name correctly...just one 't' in 'Waits"

I'm a big Tom Waits fan from way back. I think there is another thread on this that I contributed to....just a minute, let me check. Ah, found it. Check here

Wouldn't dare to disagree with you, Marco, since I'm not really a fan. I only have Swordfishtrombone, which I enjoy thoroughly. Maybe that's a good start?
Closing Time
The Heart of Saturday Night

I own many of his recordings and these 2 are the ones I play most often.