Tom Waitts Where do I begin?

In NY, FUV, one of our small, cozy, radio stations has been doing a special through the day on Tom Waitt's music. I'm a believer, now. Where do I begin? Can you give me some albums to start with? thanks in advance. peace, warren
Drive right off of the tracks; Waits did the sound track to the movie "One From The Heart" with, of all people, Crystal Gayle. It all seems like it has to be crap, but the whole mess is truly sublime and must have for Waits completists.
Mule Variations is very good if you can get past all the effects and odd sounds (to add texture?) he uses.

Great post, Pbb.

A lot of good recommendations here. I am partial to Swordfishtrombones, Rain Dogs, and Heart Attack and Vine, although I never met a Waits album I didn't like. Also, check out his performance on Sparklehorse's last album, "It's a Wonderful Life," certainly worth owning for its own sake.
Another great album of Waits covers is Wicked Grin by John Hammond. And it is produced by Tom Waits too.
Ed, I ordered the Cincotta cd you've been raving 'bout. Should have in a few days. will let you know. warren