Tom Waitts Where do I begin?

In NY, FUV, one of our small, cozy, radio stations has been doing a special through the day on Tom Waitt's music. I'm a believer, now. Where do I begin? Can you give me some albums to start with? thanks in advance. peace, warren
Nicko - I can't remember who said it, though I'm sure it wasn't Waits....I think maybe it was Gary Null....."....critics and lawyers are just two steps beneath snail dung...." Now I'll probably get my ass flamed by all the lawyers and critics on this list. Ouch!

I do enjoy Rain Dogs too. Try my very best not to use the word "best" for exactly the reasons you question critics....hey, what the f%*k do I know?! I just like his music. He's the BEST you know. You can quote me on that. Just don't shout quite so loud, I can't hear my music when your making your point like that, and no one's listening anyway.

Thanks for the great post. I'm not familiar with Tom Waits but will be ordering "Heartattacks and Vine" based on one of the posts. Joel
You should probably check out some of the movies that Tom has been in also. Check this link at the Internet Movie Data Base:
I seem to remember that he was a hoot in 'Mystery Men', and I just watched 'The Fisher King' again the other night; I realized that I hadn't recognized him the first time I saw the movie many years ago. He has a good part in there as a disabled veteran at the train station, talking to the Jeff Bridges character. Great movie.
OK guys. Started with Rain Dogs and Mule Variations. On Rain Dogs, particularly, his voice ( coming from a telephone receiver??) was a little hard, at first, but, man, can he write a song. Mule Variations is great! After a few more listens, I'll know if I'm ready for more. Think so. Thanks for the tips. peace, warren
Hey Warren-

If you like his lyrics, but the voice doesn't grab you, don't forget to try the cover albums mentioned in the thread, of which there are several excellent ones.

Holly Cole's "Temptation" and John Hammond's "Wicked Grin" are both outstanding. Waits without as much gristle and half the calories!
