Jazz Big Band Recommendations?

Are there any other Big Band fanatics out there? I'm looking for some new stuff. Not the usual oldies (Basie, Ellington, etc.), but some good modern big bands that may not be that well known.

Two more tips for you if you are interested in the new directions big band music is taking.

The UMO Jazz Orchestra (Naxos Jazz 86010-2)
Tolvan Big Band (Naxos Jazz 86025-2)

The first, a Finnish group. The second, from Denmark. Both polinated from American models and influences but absolutely worth-listening for excellent performances and compositions/arrangements.

The new Jaco Big Band tribute album is pretty good. I also enjoyed the Claude Bolling Big Band album.

if you're still interested, the Basie band is still growing strong. The have a couple of new CDs on mama jazz recordings [mamajazz.org]. On mama jazz, also look for Bob Florence and Gerald Wilson. They both do big band stuff. Also, Qincy Jones did a big band thing a few years ago called Basie and Beyond....I think that's the title. Go to reference recordings home page and look for Big Band Basie. I have more if you need them.
Gerald Wilson, Sun Ra, Italian Instabile Orchestra, Mike Westbrook, NOW Orchestra, Vienna Art Orchestra, Asian American Orchestra.
Just to follow up, I bought several CDs based on the recommendations given here. There's lots of good stuff, but if I had to pick one outstanding find it would be the Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band. I bought "Swinging for the Fences" and "XXL". Both are great. Goodwin's style is uniquely his own but reminds me of Rob McConnell, Les Hooper, Tommy Newsom, and Louis Bellson in spots. It is of the more straight-ahead variety than avant-garde. If you haven't heard of these guys I urge you to check them out.