Bob Dylan: What do you folks thing about this?

I'm stumped by this one:
Mhu take a pill! Nobody said anything that you need to get all bent out of shape about. Person problems at home???

Bob Dylan answers to no one. He does what he wants to do regardless of people whining about it. Mhu you should too.

It is his music, he has taken the heat, and continues to make what he wants to make. After all the abuse he has taken for not being this or that, or staying within the confines other have placed around him, he is and should be free to do what he wants.

To call him a 'sellout' reflects the narrow mindedness of the accuser. He does not owe me an explanation for his choices. All of us, Bob Dylan included answer only to God. Let the singer sing!

People liked him for doing what he was doing. When he changed they wanted him "to be just like them, they say 'sing while you slave' I just get bored."

Who would want a relationship where the other person never changed? Or even worse where the other person only did what you wanted??? No thanks I'll take my wife who is changing and growing, you can keep your school girl, and your boxed and wrapped Dylan!
Hey, I figured that I could use old Bobby to convince the other half that she should get a thong and shelf bra from Victoria's. Obviously he must appreciate that type of thing as do I. He did me a big favor. Seriously, it's his life, his tunes and at least it's not political. In an election year that shows character.
Thanks for the insights on Dylan. That's more of what I was looking for. As the person starting the thread, I felt somehow inclusive in reading Mt10425's response. My apologies for the misunderstanding and unwarranted negativism.
It's amazing that we as fans feel we have the right to dictate what an artist deems fit to do with his musical output. I hate hearing Led Zep for Cadillac or The Who for Hummer, but everyone's got a right to eat and if I were an artist and Microsoft wanted to hand me a check for a million bucks to use 20 seconds of a song I wrote 30 years ago I wouldn't give a rat's ass if someone thought I was a sellout. Let them give me a check for a million bucks to keep my music out of commercials, otherwise : Shut up! Personally, I'd rather hear Dylan in his prime on some TV commercial than see him live now. This is even more true of The Olding Stones.
Bob's just trying to have some fun, and believe it or not, he's also trying to figure out this existence and where he fits within it just like we are.