Music for Passover

Ellen spent the day in the kitchen listening to those Down From the Mountain and O Brother discs, but when guests arrived I cranked up the main system with Ernest Block's Sonatas et al. After a while this got a bit too melancholic, so Glijov's Kiddishbukk's music of the sephardim energized the ambience through the readings...and outstanding chicken soup and homemade salmon-based gefilte fish (quelle horreurs!). The jazz player among us got weary, so I followed with Mark O'Connor's Hot Swing Trio to at least continue the violins through a magnificent roast leg of lamb, but had to provide relaxation for salad and desert with some KD Lang/Tony Bennett crooning. Not bad...but I gained 2 lbs!
How about you?
For some well recorded and beautifully played Jewish klezmer music you should check out "Songs of our Fathers" on Acoustic Disc by Andy Statman and David Grisman. Andy has a number of other klezmer releases, too.

If you like your music on overdrive, I'd recommend a young klezmer/gypsy band called Les Yeux Noirs. The two brothers on violin are absolutely amazing.
For dessert, why not try some good Yiddish humor! Try to find any of the Alan Sherman ("Camp Grenada") LP's from the early to mid 1960's.
OK, Rosstaman, I'll see your Lenny Bruce and raise you another Jackie Mason.