Srangest ,most out there sounding music

Whats really thrown you for a loop!
Wildoats: With Trout Mask Replica, it helps if you have a background of delta blues and some avant garde jazz. It's an amazing blend of those two seemingly unblendable genres and is well worth the effort you put into understanding it. Start with the more accessible tracks like "Moonlight on Vermont".
first time I heard David Bowie album "Diamond Dogs"I thought it was out there, today it seems pretty tame,also when VanHalens first album came out me and my guitar playing buddys jaws hit the floor ,,hard.
Any music from Tibet, religeous or profane. My girlfriend thinks Sun Ra is the strangest vinyl ever to grace the turntable but she has no idea. Throbbing gristle is a contender as well as Marcel Marceau the pantomime artist from the 60s.