Naxos, the way to go for classical?

I need help with getting into classical. I've listened to classical with a passive interest in the past, and was somewhat intimidated by the sheer volume of materials out there. I realize this question has been raised, but I'm looking for a more specific answer; is Naxos the label to get into and stay with to become more familiar with classical music?
I have visited their website and their catalog seems very comprehensive and easy to understand. I have read on another thread that their recording quality and performances are also top notch. I am planning to build up classial library and sticking with Naxos as a way of keeping things simple. Are there other labels that I should look into? My current preferences are sound quality, performance, cost, and catalogue comprehensiveness, in those order. Please share your experiences and recommendations whether this is the right approach. My thanks in advance.
Naxos often pays an absolute pittance to their artists - some guitarists I know personally have gotten as little as $1500 for a solo cd, with no royalties. Its a real Barnum & Bailey type exploitation outfit in a lot of ways. Best thing to do is try to buy the cd's directly from the artist's website.
Most guitarsits on Naxos (particularly the younger ones) are as good if not better than the big names but there are a few duffers as well.
Nobody beats Naxos for value, and it's a great way to hear a lot of music at a reasonable price. Yes, performance and recording quality are all over the map (though the same can be said for all but a handful of lablels). But if you're just getting into classical, my advice is not to worry too much about performance and recording quality. You're not really ready to judge the former, and you can learn a lot about music from less-than-ideal recordings, just as you can learn a lot about music listening on less-than-high-end equipment.
Thank-you all for your thoughtful responses. This should provide me with enough to get started in the genre. Always on the look-out for new music, this will be a fun and rewarding experience.