RIP Ray Charles

A sad passing of one of the GREATS. Can we start a petition to have his version of "America" instituted as our National Anthem?
I'm a traditionalist and would not replace the national anthem. But, if ever there was a piece of music to replace our national anthem, Ray Charles version of "America" would definitely be at the top of my list. I get goose bumps just thinking about it as I write this. Sad day indeed in the loss of this great artist.
You know, as I listen to "Born to Lose" right now i almost have tears in my eyes. Many of his songs were sad, but this day makes them just a bit more sad. Goodbye Ray, and thanks for sharing your soul with all of us.
My favorite Ray Charles is the song used in Lampoon's "Christmas Vacation" movie.
I also really love the number he does in the first "Blues Brothers", when he proves there is still life in that ol' Rhodes...