Best piano version of Moonlight Sonata?

I'd like to add this to my collection. What is your recommendation for a really great version, musically and sonically?
I agree with newbee re Richard Goode, and imo Glen Gould is great playing Bach but not so great playing Beethoven. Good Luck..there are really so many to choose from.

John Atkinson helped record and master Robert Silverman playing all 32 of Beethoven's Sonatas, available from Orpheum Masters. I purchased mine on the Stereophile website for about $70 a few years back for the 10 disk set, a great value. If you like the Moonlight, you will probably enjoy getting to know the set. Excellent recording, though I am not qualified to compare the performance versus the other recommendations.
v. ashkenazy- london- the big 3 beethoven sonatas.
just a terrific beethoven/mozart/chopin etc. player.
saw him once. never missed a beat for 2 hrs by himself.
totally effortless- makes it look so easy.