Your First Concert was.....

My first concert was Arlo Guthrie at the Shaffer (sic) Music Festival in Central Park, NYC. It cost 2 bucks and it was for his "Running Down the Road" album.
Creedence Clearwater Revival (post Tom Fogery) at the Met Center in Bloomington, MN in 1972. Opening acts were Freddie King, and Tony Joe White. I was 14 and man it was LOUD. I was probably 25 feet in front of John Fogerty. I wish I would have paid more attention to Freddie, but I had no idea who he was at the time...
Joe Walsh and the James Gang back in 1970 in a small hall in Wheeling WV. It was hard to beleive that 3 guys could make so much music. This was way before synthesizers.
Bob Dylan and The Rolling Thunder Review in Springfield, Mass., in 1975. I knew even as it was happening how very lucky I was to be there, in row 11.