
I recently listened to Santana (Supernatural and Shaman) for the first time in many years. His guitar playing is awesome! I'm out of touch with his music. Can you give me recommendations regarding his best cds. I'm particularly interested in his most energetic cd.
You think his Cds are impressive...try to get yourself into one of his concerts...especially in a smaller venue.
Since starting this thread, I've purchased Welcome, Abraxis and Blues for Salvador - they were all on sale for $9 canadian. (Santana 3 wasn't available.) Of these, I most enjoyed Blues for Salvador. It's exactly what I wanted at this time --- great featured playing by Santana and high energy (especially the title cut). Of course, the other two cds are also very enjoyable. I look forward to Santana 3 when I can find it.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

thanks to this thread shaking some cobwebs loose I picked up Caravanseri again (last time was an 8-track), Legacy remastered edition (thanks upstateaudio for the tip). It is better than I remember & making this perfect sunday afternoon something special.
Great Post! Coulnd't agree more with "all of the above". Yet, he continues to evolve. I loved his newest CD with all the young artists, the passion was just so alive. Especially the cut with Michelle Branch, his solo is...well you know. There's an older album, I think it was Live in El Salvador, awsome work with a couple ofnew pieces on it at the time. You can't take it out of the political context in which it developed, the 80's, Regans dirty little illegal war in So. America etc. (oooops, now I've done it, went an gone political).