van morrison's best sounding album?

a friend is a van idiot and insists i need to listen to more morrison. but when i ask her where to start she can't pick between any of his gazillion recordings. any ideas?
Just recently bought the lp version of the skiffle sessions live in belfast with lonnie donnegan and chris barber,have most of vans albums and for musical performance and sound quality its up with the best.
Another great album--though not entirely Van--is Van Morrison and the Chieftains.

It's true that his earlier work was not produced as well as some of the later recordings, which I might even call SLICK in their production. However, I think that to skip over songs like Into the Mystic (Moondance), Ballerina (Astral Weeks), or Crazy Face (His Band & the Street Choir) because of their production value would have any interested listener miss out on the absolute genius of Van the Man.

A friend once said that if you like one Steely Dan album, buy them all. I've always felt that way about Van Morrison. Heck, if Van did an album of Ricky Martin covers, I'd buy it. Few people have ever written music so perfectly matched for their own voice. He does!

Just listen to him sing 'Caravan' on The Band's "The Last Waltz". Most heavy metal bands would kill for that kind of tension and energy.

Just my 2 cents.
If you intend best sounding to be best produced, Van's latest Down the Road is very well done. I also think its the best release he's had in a few years. Of course I am a Van idiot as well.