Why so much????

In response to a post appearing here yesterday a number of 'AGon-people' claimed to have CD and vinyl collections numbering in the hundreds and even thousands. Other posters questioned the need for so much music (impossible to listen to all of it!) while others spoke of a pissing contest among the 'overly endowed'.
Your thoughts are requested for the following questions:
1) How much is too much?
2) To those with so much...Why? What's your rationale?
3) Are you crazy?

Just curious. I'll give my thoughts later.
i got over 400 Cd's and only about 20-30 of them ever find themselves in my player. most of mine are junk, or albums in which i was disappointed after i heared it.

You gotta dig in the dirt to find the gold eh?

I cannot imagine having over 1000 cd's. No problem with it i guess, but i would lose track of everything pretty quick
I'm with Kal also.

As for myself, I have about 3,000 CD's and 250 SACD's (the latters are mostly hybrids). I listen to all kinds of music but about 65% of the collection is classical (vocal, opera, symphonic, chamber). In this repertoire, there are many valid interpretations of the same piece, hence the need to collect many versions. What is currently spinning depends on the mood. I'd rather satisfy my hunger for software than spend the money on hardware upgrades just to hear a few discs over and over. There is so much great art out there begging to be discovered.
But this is just me. Crazy me.
1.too much is when you buy a second copy forgetting you already have one
2.because I like music and I feel it is and investment in my past
Do these same idiots go into friends houses and ask why people have so many books in their libraries? If you have a lot of books you are well read and worldly. If you have shelves of marvelous LPs, you are one step away from becoming the Unibomber.

The rationale is simple. I can't see Miles again. If you have not noticed, he is dead. Ditto many, many others. This is the closest I can come to inviting the long dead ghosts of these geniuses into my home. When I get the urge, I want to have the appropriate music at my fingertips. I work hard and have the funds and space to indulge this desire. I might add that, in the case of LPs, they have become quite, quite inexpensive in relation to other storage media and marvelous collections can be amassed with just a bit of sweat equity and very modest amounts of cash, at least compared to what these guys with ten CDs spend on their amps.