Beatles re-released stereo first 4 Albums

I have thus far only listened to the the First CD, but it sounds pretty good.
Better in fact than the Let it be Naked CD.
By the way, CB, "Let It Be Naked" is horrible! (One listen, and to the shelf forevermore!)

I thought "Let it be - Naked" was good. All you Beatle buffs, Ben, what's up with these releases?
I get my Beatles fix every Sun.AM.-- On LA radio we got 2 stations /3 programs. I love the music; all the drives me up a tree. So; I've heard about these cds coming out from a while back. Don't know why they didn't mix them in stereo to begin with----Stereo was already 8 years old in '65.
Of the 4 in the initial release, Meet the Beatles sounded the least good to my ears. They got progressively better as you listened to them in Chrinological order