Heard Patricia Baber's new Live in France CD?

I just got through the whole CD at one sitting this AM. I think this is her best record out. The live recording is quite dynamic and exciting. She seems to take you on a whole new adventure with each piece. Amazing! Definitely recommended ... The only gripe I have is with what seems to be a technical glitch on the last track. Loud pops recur similarly to a scratch on an LP. Let me know if you experience this also. I had repeatedly check for dirt and scratches but mine is a brand new CD. Thanks.
I can't find anything wrong. Played it many times !!! Love this cd.
Where exactly is the "scratch" ? ( play-time)
I think I had jumped the gun y'all. It's so strange. I had replayed the same track at least four times yesterday before giving up because of the "scratch" at the beginning of the last song "Call me". I even prematurely wrote an email to Bluenote inquiring about this. Just browsed the other two posts on Agon about this album, but no mention of the suspected anomaly. So, I listened to the CD again this morning, and lo and behold ... NO pops.
I just took the chance to enjoy the album all over again. My favorites are "Norwegian Wood" and guess what ... "Call Me". Go figure! Thanks for your posts.