Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?

My "other half" is exploring the stress releiving effects of playing acoustic guitar. She's a great woman! She actually convinced me to buy a pair of Rowland model 9 monos w bps, instead of a boat. Thats my girl! Anyway, shes been playing for 1.5 yrs. Its a toss up between Martin ???? Koa wood, Taylor 314ce, Takamini GS330s, and a Tocoma???sound hole on top!!! All these models can be had "used" for around 900.00 All replys welcome, thanks Scot
When you get into the realm of guitars you mention, the choice of an instrument is intensely personal. It truly comes down to the one you play and like the best. Also note that identical makes and models may feel different to the player despite being one serial number apart.

My advice- take lots of time and try lots of guitars. But the favorite and don't look back!

another beautiful sounding acoustic is Larrivee,i think i spelled it right,i forgot about all the other brands after playing one ,very balanced ,earthy tone,,as micheal said,try lots of guitars,,,,,and youll know when you find the right one,good luck,
My brother plays guitar and between the Martin and Taylor (I do not know the models) he chose the Taylor for it's more forward midrange sound where the Martin had a warmer fuller sound. I understand there characteristics apply to all models according to the salesmen we have talked to and my ears. It is my understanding the Taylor is known for being a good bargain where the Martin's run a little more expensive.

Please take this post with a little salt as I have not done a lot of research myself just picked up a few things here and there.
