Looking to compare SACD sound with redbook

I am sure there is a thread that gives opinions on SACD sound versus quality redbook but I cant find it here. I am thinking of replacing my current NAK MB1 into Aragon D2A2 DAC, with the NorthStar Transport and DAC, but concerned about plunking the $$$ if SACD is so much better. I have extensive redbook collection that I doubt I would replace unless its an amazing difference. Live in a rural area and cannot audition stuff easily. Help!
Tvad,funny you should mention DSOTM.That SACD caused some grumbling.
the multichannel SACD remix has been done with care and taste, and the two-channel SACD version is a straight digital transfer from the analog master tape. But the CD layer...?

JI describes it as sounding "less detailed and more congested...more forward than the SACD layer, and much louder than my original Harvest/EMI (Japan) CD

The Multi/SACD layer is considered revelatory as you say,and glorious.Many things on the masters formerly left off concurrent releases where included in this Multichannel SACD mix
However they chose to aim the redbook layer mix towards listening for mobile or noisy enviroments.Then only did a straight transfer from DSD archive mastering for 2channel SACD,no touch ups or even cleaning the hiss!
It is cooked.
Compressed and limited to the point that many prefer even the more congested of other versions.
Wealth of Dark Side ink on this link

sorry that block of text from review should be in quotes as follows(I hit submit vs edit!!)

"the multichannel SACD remix has been done with care and taste, and the two-channel SACD version is a straight digital transfer from the analog master tape. But the CD layer...?
JI describes it as sounding "less detailed and more congested...more forward than the SACD layer, and much louder than my original Harvest/EMI (Japan) CD"
Clbeanz, I listen to strictly 2 channel. It bums me out that there is such an outstanding version of DSOTM on multi-channel SACD and nothing similar on 2 channel SACD or redbook. Frankly, it seems pretty lazy on the part of the record company...but I'm sure this is discussed already on the thread you highlighted...
I can understand Parabales question about what machine next. I am debating between NorthStar 192 transport and 192 DAC for redbook at $2,700 new, versus The Dennon mods or Marantz SA 8260 for both red and SACD.
Gammajo, I've been using a Sony SCD-1 SACD/cd unit for the last 3 years without complaint. You may find that it's build quality and construction is unparalleled for it's price range and it's sonics should match just about anything near it.

I would imagine that you should be able to find a used one for under or around $2k.