Music you didn't like at first... but now?

Sometimes, there's a sense of discovery or a kind of magic that doesn't sink in right away. Have you heard something that you changed your mind about and wondered why you didn't get it sooner? What artists/recordings have you experienced this with?
For you Jennifer Warnes fans, listen to her lastest release: The Well. It is superior to The Hunter in every aspect.
Didn't know Warrens had a new album out - thanks, will do. Always liked Famous Blue Raincoat for a few of the songs by Lenord Cohen
Mars Volta. At first I thought they were thoughlessly harsh, but I've discovered that my kid's not such a knucklehead. He played it about ten times yesterday, and by the time I got done eavesdropping I discovered they're complex and fun. Geez, I was a real old fart on these guys.
Figured there'd be answers like Ornette Coleman, Albert Ayler, Cecil Taylor, Captain Beefheart, Sun Ra, Ruins, Can... stuff that doesn't really engage many of our built in receptors. Springsteen, Tim McGraw, Jennifer Warnes, Weird Al Yankovic, who wouldda thunk it.