Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
Monotonous voice and average skills each their own...I predict she's already hit her commercial peak and will fade slowly from the scene...CD's where every song sounds the same (even with an appealing voice) don't bode well to me.
From what i understood, Fiona Apple's label basically squashed her last recorded project. They said that it wasn't marketable enough, so they weren't going to bother pressing and releasing it. At the same time, they wouldn't release her from her contract or allow her to directly market her music. So much for artistic freedom... Sean
Muzak with a voice. Not bad while you're having
a root canal. Or for bridging a couple doses of Prozac.
Am I missing something, I don't see the review on Ben's Web page. (It isn't the easiest to find things on.)