Simple guitar songs for beginning musician

I am a little better than a beginning guitar player. I would like suggestions for artists who use mostly simple guitar chords along with voice accompaniament. Songs and or artists who specialize in this genre would be appreciated. My idea is to improve my playing by playing and singing along. I hope this does not sound ridiculous.
I write to encourage you. First, when I was a beginning player, there were no simple chords. Each one was hard to learn by itself. Then, learning the transition to the following chord was also hard.

That being said, I found the least difficult route was to find a song I really liked, with no consideration of whether the chords were easy or hard. At least you will be motivated to learn a song you really like.

Get one chord under your fingers, then the next. It may take six months to get to the point where you can play that one song badly.

Move on to another song-amazingly, many of the first group of chords you learn will be in the next song, so you will build on what you know.

FWIW, I haven't played an open chord in more than 14 years.

Good Luck-and practice a lot!

Piezo, I'm happy to see you so enthusiastic to share/go past the simplicity of the basic building blocks of western music, triads (3 note chords), and for taking the time to do so but in my experience as a teacher it is very easy to overwhelm a begginer who is just struggling to make basic chord changes and sadly when presented with basics that way you have here you will see many beginners just scratch thier heads and put their guitars in the too hard basket rather than be excited by how simple it can really be. Mknowles16 is right in that there is no sustitute for dont get nothing for free.

I see too many people go the long way around, the shortest line between a and b is with the proper help.
WWWWWoooo Piezo,
I've been attempting to play for 30 years & all that stuff was way beyond me. Saying that I was never very serious, the practice bit was easy but learning all the theory was not on the agenda - I had enough 's--t' to study to make a living without doing it for relaxation 2 !
Shame as I now wish I had.
I still couldn't tell u which key a song is in but I can find my way up & down the neck, transpose into other unknown keys and generally find my way around the geetar.
Working out tunes is no problem but my raddled old brain will only retain them for micro seconds.

I find that if you love a song and know the words without resort to a song book, then check out the chords for reference - then just go with it.
I play for my own enjoyment, won't be tempted on stage but in spite of the fact I can still only play about 5 songs all the way thru - it has given me priceless enjoyment over a long period of working away from home.

I still have friends who decide late in life to buy a guitar(usually the same ones who buy a motorbike)& come round for lessons. They invariably know more theory than me & annoy me by thinking they will be J. Hendrix over night & it's my fault if they're not.
Stick with it & don't worry too much. Just enjoy it and if you can play a few tunes with your kid, you'll have a great time!
