Just got home from a Dylan concert

The band that Dylan has now is one hell of a band and Bob is not so bad either. Willie Nelson opened and was great although his band is nothing special. Why is Dylan only playing the keyboard these days. I've seen him 3 times in the last 3 years and he sets up on the side of the stage and plays keyboard only. Is there an explanation for this, or is it just Dylan.
Saw him a short while back and I truly must say it was a pathetic performance. It's though when one of your idols is found to have feet of clay. Well maybe there was nothing wrong with his feet, but his singing was, even by his own standards, gawd awful. I guess I will put Highway 61 Revisited on the turntable and pretend this is 1965...
his vocals were illegible

Guess he should have hung on to those cue-cards from that famous Pennebaker video!

So what if he is 65? There are many rockers out there nearing that age that still Rock it up...Why would anyone tour when they cant be understood..I dont think he needs the money...
I'd like to think that he is tired of doing the same old songs in the same old way and is reinventing himself so to speak. I too prefer the songs sang in the old way, that I know and love but, its still Dylan, and he is the legend though I am not sure he ever wanted to be one...
Wow...the guy sucks lately and due to his legend status, its ok to be barely understandable?

I saw him on TV a few years back, and it was so embarrasing, that it turned me off completely to the guy..he looked wasted (drunk, or drugged up, i dont know), and you could see others looking at him like WTF..?)

My fav guitarrist sucked a few times, and it bugged me,,but then came around...but i wouldnt go see him if it was a constant state of affairs.