Just got home from a Dylan concert

The band that Dylan has now is one hell of a band and Bob is not so bad either. Willie Nelson opened and was great although his band is nothing special. Why is Dylan only playing the keyboard these days. I've seen him 3 times in the last 3 years and he sets up on the side of the stage and plays keyboard only. Is there an explanation for this, or is it just Dylan.
I'd like to think that he is tired of doing the same old songs in the same old way and is reinventing himself so to speak. I too prefer the songs sang in the old way, that I know and love but, its still Dylan, and he is the legend though I am not sure he ever wanted to be one...
Wow...the guy sucks lately and due to his legend status, its ok to be barely understandable?

I saw him on TV a few years back, and it was so embarrasing, that it turned me off completely to the guy..he looked wasted (drunk, or drugged up, i dont know), and you could see others looking at him like WTF..?)

My fav guitarrist sucked a few times, and it bugged me,,but then came around...but i wouldnt go see him if it was a constant state of affairs.
I have to agree with Garebear. I saw Dylan four times in the last year and a half. I last saw him this April with Haggard, who was smooth and delightful. Dylan's band before the recent changes were made could compensate for the loss of range in his voice. The new band couldn't. I saw him with Willie last summer and when I heard he was touring with Willie again this summer I first thought I would go again but changed my mind.
Like the line in "Mississippi" from Love and Theft:

"Well, my ship's been split to splinters
and it's sinking fast."

I hope for a rebound but considering he is sixty three or so I don't look for it.
I've seen Dylan live some 11 or so times in the last 16 years.
I'm no apologist as his vocals can be terrible at times ( the early 90's were particularly bad) .
Since the mid 90's he has imho got a better,much better grip on things.
However he clearly would not be for everybody as his voice has clearly aged and it was never that palatable to many people anyway.

He hasn't hit Europe this tour but I saw him three times a year ago at the keyboards and his singing was clear pretty much 99% of the time.
Garebear states it's all ego now somehow that doesn't tie in with anything I've ever seen Dylan do in a live context.

He may be hitting a bad patch but I doubt ego has much to do with it, as for his age Jsujo you are right it is irrelevant and no excuse for sub par performances.
I think you've taken one opinion (apparently not your own) and turned it into a bigger thing than it actually is.